As we launch our ACS blog, our “blog guru” explained to me everything that needed to be included in an introductory post.   He also suggested I should try to include a little humor.  “Perhaps a self-aware joke about the increasing prevalence of AI?”, he said.  He thought this might be illustrative as we are an administrative company built on quality customer service in an industry which is increasingly moving into new depths of technology.

Complying with such a suggestion does not come comfortably to me.  When you research your jokes you are not a natural!  But I was comforted to discover that we are still many years away from robots developing human traits that are essential to business, such as building rapport and contextual awareness.  So I laughed when I read the following:

A ventriloquist is performing his set with his dummy on his knee, and he tells a robot joke.  A beverage service robot stops what it’s doing to shout at the ventriloquist:

“What gives you the right to stereotype artificial intelligence that way?  You should be ashamed of yourself.”

 Flustered, the ventriloquist begins to stammer an apology, but the robot interrupts him.

 “You keep out of this!” it yells.  “I’m talking to the little idiot on your knee.”

Robot jokes will not be a recurring theme on our blog.  But emerging technology certainly will be.  Technological advances are pulling the insurance industry forward into big data, further automation, fraud prediction, and more.  ACS is right in step, beginning with our updated website and projecting  these advances into our services.

Adapting to change over twenty-five years has given us a unique perspective to share with the industry.  We want to be a player, a voice, in the emerging trends that are moving the industry forward, while at the same time offering an awareness of those things that will not disappear, such as a commitment to world-class customer service.  That is true in today’s #insurtech world as it was twenty-five years ago.

If you are an insurance professional who wants to advance in your position, you will find our blog helpful.  If you are a manager who entrusts your work to ACS, or are contemplating it, this blog will reflect to you our thinking and aspirations as we address the challenges of today and tomorrow and our commitment to the security and confidentiality of data.  We hope that what is written will engender trust in the way we work and our desire to think creatively in a secure way.

In the coming months, you’ll see posts on what makes an excellent recorded statement taker, transcriptionist, or interpreter.  You will read case studies on quality work.  You will find opinions on news and trends in the industry.  You will read how ACS is positioning itself to keep pace with the demands of the industry and continue providing world-class administrative services.

However it was that you arrived at this page, allow me to welcome you.  If you like what you find, we encourage you to subscribe in the box above, so that you never miss a monthly article.  If you’re interested to learn more about ACS, you can contact us here, and we would also appreciate you joining the conversation on our Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+.

We look forward to interacting with you and connecting you with others.  Let us all attempt to participate and encourage one another as we begin this journey together.


David Rix

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